Archive for December, 2011



For me, writing has always felt like the safest form of communication. If I write things, it seems as if my alter-ego or someone else entirely is saying them. There is safety in that, a lack of responsibility, a lower risk. This blog, for example, makes it easy for me to talk eating, awkward moments, […]

These are jokes that I will never be able to explain nights that I will look back on years from now with joy and laughter songs that will take me back to a moment memories that will last a lifetime.

Merry Christmas


Today is my first Christmas away from San Francisco. But getting to spend it with some of the most best people I know in this beautiful city isn’t too bad at all. In fact, it’s wonderful. Merry Christmas.

5 Friday Things


1. Sorry I have been slacking lately. So much to see. So much to do. So little excitement in the culinary department. 2. Wednesday, my friend and I were on the bus talking when all of a sudden the bus driver turned and screamed, “MADAME! LÜTFEN!” and then proceeded to mockingly make talking mouths with his […]

LOVE. Chicken lovers.

So Spicy


Today, I ended up passing by the Spice Bazaar again and so headed through to get some of the teas I had passed on last night. Being the skillful shopper I am, I headed towards the outside booths since they tend to be a bit cheaper. I returned to a stall my friend and I […]

Leaving for study abroad, I will admit a part of me was filled with sky-high expectations. The experience is supposed to be life-changing, incredible, completely unforgettable. Taking off in September, I envisioned myself returning in January a new person. Better, faster, stronger in every sense. My expectations were unrealistic. Could just under 4 months change […]

I’ve been asked about awesome vegan gift ideas & thought I’d share some of the lovely items I’ve seen around for the vegan in your life. (Though I wouldn’t turn down any of these items either…wink, wink.) May your holidays be filled with love, compassion and glorious food.

Little Ones


There have been so many adorable animal pictures coming up on Pinterest and Facebook lately, I can’t keep them all to myself. I think the simplest answer the next time someone asks me why I’m vegan will be to show some of these. For my health, for the environment and for these beautiful babies. Happy […]

So Much Love


I’m becoming obsessed with the Loving Hut. It’s cheap. It’s 100% vegan. It’s delicious. And it makes the perfect fuel between the Beşiktaş market and and Dolmabahçe Sarayı.