Archive for January, 2012

Almond milk and sugar cookies that is. Simple joy.

Pizza Kid


For some unexplainable reason, one Halloween memory that stands out visibly in my mind was an afternoon carving pumpkins in our backyard with my brother. I have no recollection of what I carved into my pumpkin that particular year. (Though I can assure you it was probably far better in thought than execution.) But, I […]



Before I left San Francisco for Atlanta a few weeks ago, my wonderful parents took me to my beloved city’s famed Greens Restaurant. My darling younger brother so responsibly just sent me the pictures he took yesterday. After I nagged him. (Love you, little T.) With the passage of time, I don’t remember what the […]

First Week


It is Tuesday night of my first full week of classes. Besides the usual reading, running, and writing, I’ve already made some pretty delicious and simple food. Roasted veggies. The breakfast of champions. But, most importantly, dessert. Mama Pea’s chocolate chip cookies from her first book to be exact. I don’t have an electric stand […]

The Whys


I am often asked why I am vegan. Asked to pinpoint one specific reason. One defining moment. One solitary motivator. For health? I am asked. For the environment? For animals? I’m asked to choose. To rank them in neat little, easy-to-understand categories. But, the truth is, I can’t. So many moments add up to last […]



Got your attention there, didn’t I? No, I’m not eating butter. Yes, I hope Paula DeenĀ stops promoting slathering everything in it. And, yes, I did roast butternut squash tonight. 1 hour, 375 degrees. Because I have (as usual) managed to schedule myself within an inch of my life this semester, preparation is going to be […]

Ocean Beach


Sometimes you have 6×800 scheduled at the track. But you’re driving down Great Highway. And a barefoot runĀ beckons. And you listen.

Thin White Girl


Thanks to my favorite life diver for directing me towards this girl. Basically summed up my 5,000 word paper in 2 minutes and 48 seconds. Kudos, my dear.

While I may be home, my semester’s work is not quite finished. I have spent the past few days typing a paper slowly nearing the 5,000 word mark on attractiveness messages in media. The research process has been fascinating, disturbing, and eye-opening. I’ve been scanning pictures, articles, and studies trying to make sense of who […]